
Profile - Pablo Vergés 🧑🏼‍💻

House of Test


About 🎙

Hey there, I’m Pablo Vergés, but you can just call me Pablo. My love affair with computer programming started back in 2004, and I’ve been hooked ever since! While my background may suggest I’m just an experimental physicist, get to know me and you’ll discover my true passion: software engineering. Testing, product management, software operations, development methodologies - you name it, I’ve dived headfirst into it all!

I thrive on a good challenge, especially when it comes to tackling complex tasks. But don’t worry, I won’t bite - in fact, I love collaborating with teams and organisations, bringing valuable insights to the table and contributing to their overall structure. Plus, I’m always up for trying out new habits and development methodologies. Have you ever tried pairing or ensemble programming? Let’s give it a go!

One of my greatest strengths is my ability to quickly get up to speed on a project’s context and identify the principles, concepts, methods, and tools needed to make it a success. So if you’re looking for someone who can hit the ground running and make a real impact, look no further!

When I’m not diving into all things software engineering, you can find me defying gravity in the climbing gym or out in nature hugging rocks. Bouldering is my other passion, and it’s where I find the perfect balance to my work life. I’m always up for a good challenge, whether it’s on the computer or on the rock face!

Professional Activity 🤺

Mar 2023 - present House of Test GmbH
  Test Engineer
Projects: Heating system temperature calibration testbench
  Test-Lab hardware reservation and setup system
  Concourse CI setup for a multirepo product
  Thrift Server Pytest plugin for mocking
  Gherkin and Behave rules for Bazel
  Environment definitions in Nix
  Model factories library
Sep 2018 - Oct 2022 DECTRIS AG
  Software Engineer
Projects: Automated heating system temperature calibration testbench
  Development of a program for data democratization
  Design and setup infrastructure for ERP solution
  Evaluation of manufacturing execution systems
  Git and collaboration training for coworkers
  Detector system calibration rebuild
  Proof of concept data warehouse
  Detector user interface rebuild
  Detector assembly test
  ERP upgrade
Jan 2017 - Jul 2018 4teamwork AG
  Software Engineer
Projects: Inspection administration and reporting software
  Web application for substitution management
  Meeting assistance web application
  Boilerplate for Django projects
  Event calendar
Sep 2015 - Mai 2016 Adfinis SyGroup AG
  Software Engineer
Projects: Server monitoring, alarming and reporting system
  OpenOffice patch

Achievements 🎬

I’m proud to say I’ve been a mentor to new coworkers, helping them hit the ground running and contributing to their productivity right from the get-go. Think of me as a productivity fairy godparent!

I tackled a seriously complex software system and somehow managed to make sense of it all. My ability to break it down and describe it in a way that made sense to the developers allowed them to rewrite it from scratch. NBD.

I took the stage at industry conferences to share my insights and expertise on all things software engineering, from the latest tools to the most effective collaboration principles. You might say I’m like a rockstar, but instead of a guitar, I’m slinging keyboards.

Education 📚

My journey into the world of computer science began at the prestigious EPFL (école polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne). However, my laser focus on programming-related topics caused me to neglect my physics and math classes, which unfortunately led to failing grades and eventually dropping out of EPFL. But don’t worry, this isn’t a story about giving up - it’s about bouncing back! After continuing my studies at a university of applied sciences (at the HSR) to gain a more well-rounded education, I decided to give computer science a break.

After working in the industry for a while, I decided to give university another try. This time, I pursued a degree in physics and math at the University of Bern, ultimately earning a master’s degree in experimental physics with a specialization in elementary particle physics. Who says you can’t have it all? From computer science to physics and math, I’m always up for a challenge and ready to learn more!

What is important to me 💁

Collaboration 🤝

Collaboration is key to success, and I believe that everyone should put in equal effort to achieve their goals and those of their counterparts. Let’s create an open, honest, and trusting work environment where we can all thrive.

Emotions matter! That’s why I’m a big believer in emotional awareness and empathy in the workplace. After all, a little kindness and support can go a long way.

Collaboration shouldn’t just be a buzzword - it should be a way of life! Let’s make sure that we work together in all aspects of our work and create a culture of teamwork and cooperation.

Feedback and Decision-making 📈💡

Who needs a strict plan when you can have fast, data-based feedback instead? Let’s be adaptable, flexible, and always ready to pivot to achieve the best possible results.

When it comes to decision-making, I firmly believe that those with the best knowledge should be the ones calling the shots. Trust me, it’s a recipe for success!

Self-Organization and Support 🙌💪

Let’s take ownership of our work and organize ourselves for maximum efficiency. I’m all about self-organization and autonomy!

We’re all in this together, and that’s why I believe in supporting each other to achieve our goals. Together, we can make magic happen!

Openness to Failure 💥🙏

Let’s embrace the possibility of failure and use it as an opportunity for growth and learning. After all, it’s the journey that matters more than the destination!

Failure is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new journey. That’s why I value an environment that encourages experimentation and welcomes the learnings gathered along the way.

Support and Feedback 🤗💬

We all have something to learn and something to teach. Let’s support each other on our paths to success and give objective feedback to help each other grow and improve.

Growth is a journey, not a destination. That’s why I believe in supporting each other on our individual paths of personal and professional development.

Transparency 🕵️‍♀️🔍

Let’s create an open and honest work environment where transparency is the norm, even when the topic is difficult or controversial. When we can openly communicate and work through challenges, we can achieve great things together.

Transparency is the key to a strong and healthy work culture. Let’s work together to build a culture of trust, honesty, and open communication.

Skills/Expertise/Tools 🍳

Human Languages  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Spanish, German
⭐️⭐️ French, English
⭐️ Italian
Special Skills  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sense making, Getting an holistic picture, Thinking outside the box
⭐️⭐️ Data driven decision making, Strategic mapping, Facilitating meetings
⭐️ Fostering a positive and productive work environment
Tech Stack  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Python
⭐️⭐️ CSS, Zsh, Bash, Nix, Django, Ruby, Vue.js, ZeroMQ, Javascript, SQL
⭐️ C, C++, Rust, Java
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Git, py.test,
⭐️⭐️ K8s, Vim, npm, Tmux, Linux, Nix, Bazel, Sqitch, Cypress, Playwright, Concourse, PostgreSQL
⭐️ PostgREST, MacOS
Testing Skills  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Continuous integration and delivery, TDD, Test by specifications
⭐️⭐️ Test planning and design, Defect tracking and reporting
⭐️ Performance testing, Load testing, Security testing

Certificates and Testimonials 📝

More information about me on 🌐

Want to know more about my professional experience and skills? Connect with me on LinkedIn! You can find me there and ask me anything you’d like.

I love attending conferences, and one of my favorites is the SoCraTes (Un)Conference held in Switzerland every winter. I co-organise the SoCraTes Day (Un)Conference held in Zürich every fall. You’ll also find me at the Global Day of Coderetreat and various tech-related meetups in the Zurich area.

Want to chat more about software engineering, testing, or any other related topics? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with me. You can reach me via LinkedIn, or shoot me an email.

House of Test contact 🤙🏽