
Profile - Alexandre “TripleSeven” Bauduin 🧑🏼‍💻

House of Test


About 🎙

If you are looking for a tester, skip my resume. If you are looking for someone to improve your business and make a vision becoming true then continue reading. Broad experience in project management, test management, testing. Lean manufacturing, software testing, process improvement, certification, Cloud testing. Personality in one sentence: Quality is not a mandate, it’s my lifestyle. What I bring to an organization in one sentence: Let s work together on your business vision. The best definition of my work and strengths: Context-driven testing or how to be constructive around rigid and inappropriate standards.

Strong background in the aerospace industry and embedded software. A logical career path: Software developer in aerospace, integration specialist in avionics (IRS, GPS, missile…), PM, head of the integration department, airline pilot, certification engineer B777 test pilot, head of testing strategies. On the non-aviation related career as a consultant for big firms, mainly in digital TV.

Dynamic, technically agile, creative (patents). Comfortable with certification authorities (FAA, CAA UK, CASA, DGAC…) and massive documentation (Aircraft maintenance manuals, wiring diagrams, AD ). International experience (China, Brazil, USA, Canada, Arab united emirates, Germany…). Excellent analytic skills. Involved in many project phases: SRR, PDR, CDR … (System Requirement Review, Preliminary Design Review, Critical Design Review).

Specialties: Quality control, avionics, system integration, project risk management, root cause analysis, Digital electronic testing, Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) with cryptoprocessor integration. CFR 14 Part 60, CFR 14 Part 121 (…), Advisory Circular 120-45A, ICAO9625 3rd edition, JAR FSTD, ECSS-E-ST-XX (…), flight test procedures, automatic testing (SilkTest, AutoIt, Selenium, FitNesse…) and related tools. Other standards: MIL-STD-810H (Environmental testing) MIL-STD-2525 (Warfare symbology in GUI), STANAG 2413 (Transport devices), ISO 688 (Containers), MIL-STD-498 (SW Dev)…

Speaker, keynote in several test conferences around the world.

NATO secret security clearance, ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulation).

Professional Activity 🤺

2023 - April - Present. Work location: Zurich

House of Test GmbH Test Engineer in electrical energy management

A system that starts at house hold level and ends up steering energy at grid level. From system to System Of Systems end to end testing:

From requirement to acceptance tests:

More general work:

2022 - Jan - 2023 - Apr. Work location:Sion

H55 Senior integration engineer/Head of aircraft integration

Transforming an existing fuel powered aircraft into an electric powered aircraft: Bristell Energic

As a spin off from Solar Impulse, H55 is commited to develop a much cleaner aviation.

Aircraft/System integration is the task of ensuring all the aircraft systems operate correctly individually and together as installed on the aircraft. This provides the means to show that intersystem requirements, taken as a group, have been satisfied. It also provides an opportunity to discover and eliminate undesired unintended functions.

Established layout of the facilities (work stations, tools, safety and security), budgets.

Managed a team up to 10 members.

Very specific domain since the aircrafts are propelled by electric motor.

Norms and Standard: CS-23, MIL STD 180, PART 21, DO178 (…) well all the norms coming with aviation and there is a lot!

2021 - Jan - 2021 - Dec. Work location:Cheseaux

Kudelski Security Project Manager, Test Manager

Specification and design of an airborne equipment that must be rugged to cyberattacks.

Norms and standard: ED202, ED203 (cybersecurity). Do178, Jar 145, MIL STD 180, Do254 (…) well all the norms coming with aviation.

2019 - Jan - 2021 - Jan. Work location:Zurich, Payerne, Wilderswil

Consulteer AG Test Manager, requirement analyst

In the context on FA18 for the Swiss Airforce:

Other details classified.

In the context on Air Defense systems (Airspace surveillance and threat suppression)

Other details classified.

2018 - Jan - 2019 - Sep. Work location:Zurich, Bern

House of Test GmbH Automation engineer

Testing web application used in self-care and call centers for a Swiss telecom operator.

Testing an identity management solution for a major Swiss retailer.

Testing enterprise cloud services for a Swiss telecom operator.

2006 - Jul - 2016 - Jul. Work location:Montreal and the world

CAE inc

CAE is the world leader in training devices for airlines and professional flight schools. The devices are highly sophisticated mechanics, simulating the exact behavior of the aircraft, including all the internal systems and all the “physics” (ice accretion, radio wave propagation, GPS satellite positions, pump cavitation, fuel slosh, tire expansion due to temperature or deformation due to rotation speed…).

Test strategy authority (2015 - Nov, 2016 Jul)

Review test policy, help defining and implementing testing strategies for the organization. Activity covers new designs down to customer acceptance and certification with regulatory authorities. It is a conglomerate of software best practices, test strategies, life cycle management, requirement and reporting management, process improvement on manufacturing, planning, legal aspects (…) Act as internal consultant in some specifics cases: GUI test tool evaluation, testing techniques or any specifics requested by the organization.

Direct report to directors (Engineering and QA) and VPs.

The position was centered on QA and QC in a lean manufacturing environment.

Subject Matter Expert in testing and automatic testing (2015 - Aug, 2015 - Oct)

Integrated in the Software System Architects and Subject Matter Expert groups in March 2015. Participate in design review for hardware and software changes (DFX, PDR, CDR), for cost reduction or new features. Focus on integration, testing, robustness, maintenance and regulatory aspects. Practical experience and knowledge in various testing tools, deployment tools, continuous integration, virtualization (FitNesse, Starteam, SilkTest…)

Automation software specialist, process improvement(2012 - Jan, 2015 - Jul) Best achievements: -Designed and implemented an acceptance flight tests(4700 checkpoints, a 1h45 mission fully automated from aircraft power up to aircraft power down) that could be compared to an advanced version of B1 (Boeing production factory test).

Reviewed testing and manufacturing practices at large. Anchored the concept that testing should be done where added value is created. In an Agile environment, participated in workshops to rethink testing strategies (hardware and software). Involved in workshops with manufacturing department to implement the testing vision. This was a great position because I have used all the knowledge and experience accumulated along my carrier path. Amazing results achieved and great improvement on software quality by supporting CI (Continuous Integration) practice. Demonstrated advanced testing techniques (PIC based prototypes breadboards, picture recognition, sound and audio analysis). Part of my activities are to steer technical and strategical decisions related to integration and testing. Technical reference for several teams located in various countries; Currently giving courses to about 400 employees. Created and provided classroom training for other employees.

Evaluation pilot Boeing 777 (2006 - Jul, 2012 - Jan) Best achievements:

Participate into commercial proposal from a technical point of view: Identify deviation from standard aircraft and evaluate impact on project. Maintain documentation testing based on Aircraft Manuals.

Set priorities for integration: Analyze the impact of system readiness and streamline testing around it.

Set priorities for testing: Organize, supervise and execute test campaigns (Flight controls, motion system, aircraft systems, add ons modules).

Support customer during machine acceptance.

Prepare qualification documents (a solid 3000 pages) and present the machine to the certification authorities. Interact with all parties in order to ensure progress of the project: PM, aircraft technicians, design engineers, customer, authorities… Qualified 15 simulators worldwide with company’s interest and customer satisfaction in mind.

Perform the extended version of the PFTP (Equivalent to B1 ,B2 Boeing Production Factory tests) 3 times on each machine delivered.

Tuning of the simulator (motion, sound).

Verification of conformance (aircraft systems, navigation standards, operational requirements).

Assertion of the correctness of simulated systems compared to real ship.

Recognized in the industry to have aircraft knowledge well above average Boeing 777 commander.

Fly on average 30 hours in a Boeing 777 cockpit per week representing to date about 7000 hours of operations and about 6500 take off and landings in extreme conditions (failure, wind shear…).

Demonstration pilot for some customers.

2003 - Dec - 2016 - Jul. Work location:Denver

NagraStar Kudelski group Head of integration department

Create and execute test plans for Pay TV systems.

Lead the test team members.

Automated tests for Pay TV systems. Reduced time required for rolling out product update thanks to the automation. Developed a tool that allows end to end testing of PAY TV system from customer service simulator down to hardware of the TV receiver with objective validation of sound and video quality. Think out of the box approach. Designed mechanical test bench and electronic required for testing (PIC, actuators, sensors…) The applications and devices tested are for a pool of several millions customers. Needless to say that a bug will cost some headaches

2003 - 2012 - Jul. Work location:Europe

Private owner

Captain on King Air

1999 - 2003 - Dec. Work location:The world

Swiss international airlines/Crossair

Airline pilot

Best achievement:

Machine flown: Saab 340, MD83, BAE146.

Used by the company to troubleshoot aircraft schematics / checklist based on my engineering background.

1997 - 2003 - Nov. Work location:Milpitas/Cheseaux

Nagra Kudelski

As a test engineer:

Kept this position until 2003 as a consultant while F/O at Swiss. Applications tested were serving several millions of customers.

As project manager:

1992 - 1996. Work location:Valence/Grenoble

Sopra-Steria Group

Project Manager

Best achievement:

Integration specialist in Avionics at Sextant Avionique (FMS, GPS, IRS…)

Software developer and team leader for warehouse application (Hewlett-Packard).

Software developer for medical applications

Software developer and integrator for a conditional access application (EPFL- Ecole Polythecnique Federale Lausanne).

Project manager for FMS application (Sextant Avionique)

Project manager for building automation (Merlin Gerin)

1988 - 1996. Work location:Valence/Grenoble/Lyon/Bretigny Air Force Base

Various consulting firms

Software engineer/test and integration engineer

Best achievement:

Developed an application in assembly language for testing a satellite command module (Dactem). Mainly Intel asm language.

Developed a data gathering application for Mirage 2000 radar. AFB Bretigny, Thomson CSF (7 months). Mainly C and Fortran on Unix machines.

Developed a self test application for the French fighter Rafale’s cockpit displays. Mainly ADA language on DEC machines. Code rehosted on aircraft.

Developed industrial application. VME racks, OS-9 (RtOs), 68000 architecture. Ciment Vicat.

1986 - Jul, Aug - 1986. Work location:Marseille

Credit Universel (BNP Parisbas)

Mainframe operator

Achievements 🎬

For my employers:

At personal level:

Education 📚

What is important to me 💁

Balance between work and off duty work.

Make your vision come true.

Skills/Expertise/Tools 🍳

Human Languages  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ French native
⭐️⭐️ American English
⭐️ Italian, German
Special Skills  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Capacity to work in different domains/tools, avionics, aerodynamnics, flight data analysis, in highly regulated domains, able to cope with certification and regulatory bodies
⭐️⭐️ Vast international culture, learn fast
Tech Stack  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ ADA, Fortran, Cobol, C#, Groovy, Assembly language, Java, MicroElectronics (ESP32, ATMega), NodeRed
⭐️⭐️ CI/CD, Python
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Automation tools (Katalon, FitNesse, Ranorex…), requirement management (DOORS, ReqView) , all electronic lab equipment
Testing Skills  
⭐️⭐️⭐️ Complex/complicated systems

Certificates and Testimonials 📝

If you need any proof of certificates/testimonials in paper form of my passed education or older employers, please get in touch with me.

Enrolled in various trainings along my carreer path. A few below:

More information about me on 🌐

A typical profile that most HR cannot cope with! An airline pilot able to code in assembly language while reading a datasheet from Qualcomm? What, you remember how to calculate the number of tooth on a milling machine or explain why there is a difference of 475 kgs of thrust on a Boeing 777 turbine?

Jazz is my friend, my cooking knifes are my friends as well as my wine bottle opener.

Trusted (NATO secret are the words)

You have to expect the answer “no” from time to time coming out of my mouth. Good news: I am open to discuss about it.

I am speaking at many conferences around the globe, sharing my experience with the testing community.

House of Test contact 🤙🏽